Another snow day? No problem! We’ve got you covered with 5 Snow Day Fun Activities To Do With Your Kids. Tons of cute ways to keep the whole family entertained and smiling throughout your next snowstorm!
Earlier this month, during an East Coast snow storm, we shared 6 Fun Things To Do On Snow Days With Kids. It was full of cute ways to keep the whole family engaged in some good ‘ole winter fun. Now that a second snow storm has hit us, we thought we’d follow it up with another round of activities for you to do with your family. So here it goes…
1.) Paint with food coloring in the snow.
I’d love to say that my super cool parents had thought of this back in the day, but when I was a kid, parents were just expected to keep you alive and healthy. They were not taxed with coming up with all sorts of ways to entertain their kids – nor should they have been. Nature, plus fresh air, plus our imaginations, plus snow was more than enough to keep us happy.
However, I have been dying to do this with the kids ever since I came across some plastic squirt bottles last year. It’s super easy to do – just fill them up with warm water and food coloring, and shake like mad. Then, set your kids outside and watch them channel their inner Picassos. Make sure you take pictures of their snow-paintings before they all melt! (Hint: Make sure the opening of the squirt bottle is wide enough or else the water will be very difficult to squirt out – you can always make the opening bigger with a scissor or knife, etc.)
2.) Make an igloo.
If you read 6 Fun Things To Do On Snow Days With Kids, you already know that our father used to build us igloos whenever it snowed. Well, my husband knew that I was missing my Dad after writing that last post, so he went outside and piled the snow as high as high could be. Then, we dug them out an igloo.
I cannot tell you how incredibly cool it is to see an igloo on your front lawn! The kids flipped a brick (as we like to say) and pretty much moved right into it. They had me fetch them some hot chocolate and their toys and hung out there for two hours (while I shoveled more snow). If you get a decent enough snowstorm, please go for it. It’s best if you let the snow pile sit for a day so it hardens up nicely – soft, powdery snow just isn’t going to cut it when it comes to bulding an igloo.
3.) Build a fort and hunt for treasure.
While I shoveled out our driveway solo this time (my husband lucked out; he was at work), my wacky kids decided that they were going to “build a fort to hide out in”. I was freezing my buns off, and the wind was blowing, so I didn’t really pay to much attention. That is until I heard them fighting over “whose room was whose”. When I looked up, they had built a fort under our enormous Leeland Cypress trees.
Apparently, they had dug tunnels all over the side yard, leading to and from “the fort” – and each tunneled area led to a specific bedroom. If you weren’t on the right tunnel, you weren’t allowed into the fort. Who knew?
4.) Have a snowball fight…with your siblings! Or yourself?!
Snowball fights are always fun as long as you play fair. We have pretty strict rules in our home about being nice (and not playing dirty) – so the kids can have snowball fights as long as they don’t peg anyone in the face – and don’t make ice-balls.
Our dogs are always up for a proper fight and love catching snowballs in their mouths, but they’re not allowed out on the front lawn, so sometimes, my kids are left to fend for themselves. In this instance, my daughter was too busy digging her tunnels to her fort, so my son had to improvise. 😉
5.) When you can’t stand the cold any longer, drag your kids inside and do something relaxing.
The only way I could drag these monkeys inside was to promise them that we would continue the fun indoors. (Seriously, I’m always amazed at their never-ending amount of energy! I would have been happy just snuggling up in front of the fire with a blankie and some hot tea!)
Anyways, after I got them into some warm, comfy clothes, I whipped out the old, ratty craft bag and started digging around. I wasn’t quite sure what we were going to do until I found my ziploc bag of broken crayon bits and I knew that we would make a version of my sister’s Barn Yard Crayons.
Most importantly, have fun!
Denine & Daniele
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