This Red Wine Body Scrub is a great way to use up leftover wine. Made with turbinado sugar and coconut oil, you’re skin will be baby soft after you use it!
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I don’t know about you, but when it comes to beauty products, I don’t really use many of them. I don’t think I ever have or ever will. That’s not to say that I don’t have some brands that I love, but my skin care and beauty routines are minimalist at best. I wash my face in the shower, I use a sugar and coconut oil scrub to exfoliate when needed, I moisturize daily, and…that’s it.
I’m serious. Maybe, if I have to go out somewhere, I’ll crankily get out my compact and apply some pressed powder. Maybe I’ll swish on some eye shadow – and use the same color as eye liner. And then, I’ll get all fancy and apply some of my Burt’s Bee tinted lip balm. That’s it. Love it or leave it.
Oh, and don’t get me started with my wildebeest hair. My mane deserves a post all of its own. It used to be straight when I was a kid. Then, after I got pregnant the second time, it got some crazy waves and curls – and since I never had wavy hair before, I just pretended it wasn’t there. Now, this lion’s mane is all mine and I let it grow and grow and grow, and then I just chop it off and donate it.
But, I’m getting distracted, aren’t I? Even though I’m not into hair and makeup products, I do wholeheartedly L-O-V-E making homemade sugar scrubs. I am a sugar scrub making maniac. I love mixing up ingredients and pretending I’m a mad scientist – but one that doesn’t put any crap into their stuff. My kids love my normal scrub, with lavender essential oils, coconut oil, and turbinado sugar. It’s awesome and you smell like a big ‘ole coconut cookie when you step out of the tub. The kids love the scent and lavender is super calming for them – they actually use it on their face and arms every other day as it helps keep our keratosis pilaris at bay.
Oh, snap. I’m digressing again. It’s been a long week.
Anyways, in addition to homemade sugar scrubs, I also love wine. And craft beer. But only in moderation. So when I had a hankering for a glass of wine the other night, I poured myself a glass and then wondered what on Earth I was going to do with the rest of it. To most, it’s not a huge dilemma. Just put the cork back in and drink another glass tomorrow. But, I had a glass on Wednesday.
So what’s the big deal? Well in our home, the next day is Taco Thursdays. And I just can’t drink wine with tacos. I can’t. I won’t. I refuse. I only drink beer with tacos. So what was a gal like me supposed to do?
I made some sugar scrubs. That’s right. I made some super sexy sugar scrubs, which is pretty hysterical because I am so not sexy. Cute, maybe. But never sexy, unless you’re my husband – and he has to say that. I think it’s in our marital vows somewhere.
Anyways, this Red Wine Body Scrub is amazing. It’s a gorgeous shade of red. It smells delicious. And it’s all mine. MINE, I say, MINE! I don’t have to share this one with the kids because, well, kids and booze is bad. Enough said.
This gorgeous red wine sugar scrub will be placed on Mommy’s Shelf in the shower and I have every intention of using it up as fast as I can. Why? Well because I deserve it, but in addition to this, turbinado sugar is an excellent way to exfoliate your body, honey, and coconut oil moisture and soothe irritated skin, and red wine improves blood circulation to give you a healthy glow! It’s perfect for someone like me who hates to wear makeup – so bring on all of the natural rouge, people!
Okay, like I said, it’s been a long week and I really have no place talking about anything beauty-related. So without further adieu, this awesome homemade red wine body scrub that will knock your socks off…and it really is a great way to use up any leftover wine that may be sitting around your kitchen.

- 1 1/4 cup turbinado sugar
- 1/4 cup red wine
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
Step 1: Using a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and mix together. If the sugar scrub is too wet, simply add more turbinado sugar until you reach a consistency that you like. Sugar scrub textures are very personal!
Step 2: Pour mixture into a pretty jar. If you have little ones underfoot, I highly recommend these plastic canning jars from Ball. They aren’t gorgeous, but if they fall off the shelf, they don’t break into a million pieces. If you have older kids, I like these jars – they’re a perfect size!
Step 3: Go take a nice, long shower or bath. Be gentle when using sugar scrubs like this. Turbinado sugar is very coarse – on purpose – and you should always use caution when scrubbing your skin. Don’t forget to get the rough spots like the bottom of your feet and your elbows. P.S. Coconut oil is slippery, so please use caution when rinsing off.
Be good to yourself,
Joanna Panzera tried this. “My skin felt happy after using this.”
Is it okay to use everyday on body
I don’t use it every day. I’d much rather drink my wine than have leftovers 😉 — but, when I do have leftover wine, I’ll use it to make a batch. So, I use one jar at a time and never had any issues. Does this help?
Hi! What size jar is your recipe for? I am making favors for a bridal shower and I’m wondering how much sugar and wine to purchase for 30 4 oz jars!
Thank you!
Hi Catherine, I’m pretty sure those are the wide-mouth pint jars! I made this awhile back and never thought to include the jar size. Your guests will adore these – just let them know they should use the scrub up within one week. Wine will sour after a few days…
Mine now smells vinegar-y. Did you have this problem and any remedies?
Hi Angie, How long have you had it for? I’ve always used mine up within a week or two. After that, you should dispose of it. Wine will turn rancid eventually…
I would like to make a few jars for Christmas gifts, it sounds awesome. I’m just wondering how it stores for a period of time if I make it ahead. How long is it good in the jars?
Thank you
Newfoundland, Canada
Hi Kathie, To be honest, I’ve never kept mine around for long. The last batch I made stayed good for two weeks, but that’s not scientifically tested. 😉 How far ahead do you plan on making it?
I stumbled on your recipe while searching for a wine soap recipe, can’t wait to make both.
Hi Rosalia, Thanks so much for stopping by! Let us know how you like it. 🙂
I am going to make up some of this red wine scrub for my future daughter-in-law’s Bridal Shower as a favor for the guests. Since her theme is wine, thought it would be something different for everyone to take home. My questions is, do you use raw turbinado sugar or the cane turbinado sugar? I noticed there were the two different types at the grocery store. Thank you.
Hi Denise,
What a fun party favor! Plus, the color is striking, so it will look so pretty! For this type of scrub, I use Sugar In The Raw, turbinado cane sugar. It comes in a brown box and can be found in most grocery stores with the other sugars.
Thank you! I did see that while at grocery store!
Do you have to refrigerate it?
Nope. The batch is so small that you should be able to use it up within a week. I just leave it in the shower.
I love this idea. Does the red wine not stain your skin? Probably a silly question since it is washed off so quickly bit I am curious.
No, it’s not a silly question! It’s a valid one. To answer it – the red wine just washes right off. 🙂
Love this! “And it’s all mine. MINE, I say, MINE!” has me laughing so hard. Oh the life of a mother. So I’m going to go crack open a bottle and try to save 1/4 cup for some sugar scrub 🙂
PS Do you mind sharing what you are using for your black photo background? It is stunningly gorgeous!
Hi Kati,
I used up the entire jar – it was amazing. Sadly, I have no idea when I’ll ever have leftover wine again, so…
Would you believe me if i told you the backdrop was the LEAF for my dining room table? 😉