This post is brought to you by Schoola, the best place to buy discounted kids clothes all while give back to schools in need. Click here to learn more about Schoola. Click here to see what people are saying. All opinions are my own.
As we mentioned last week, we’re working with Schoola, an online discounted clothing store, to help KIPP Academy raise $25,000 to fund their music program. A small school in the Bronx, KIPP Academy works hard to support kids who need all the help they can get. Ninety-five percent of its students qualify for free or reduced-cost lunch. More than one in seven students receives special education services.
Music helps KIPP Academy reach and engage every child who enters its doors. The slogan on the Music Room wall sets the stage—All of Us Will Learn Music. No matter what backgrounds they come from, or what challenges they face, they learn lessons together that will serve them the rest of their lives.
You, too, can help KIPP Academy reach their goal. We go into more detail here, but you can:
- Shop on Schoola.
For every transaction that you make through this link, Schoola will donate $1 to KIPP Academy. - Request a Schoola donation bag & fill it with clothes.
For every person who requests a Schoola donation bag via this link, Schoola will donate $1 to KIPP Academy. After you’ve donated clothes, and fill out your school’s information, $2 of every $5 made will go back to the school YOU choose to support.
- Recycled Aluminum / Tin Cans (29 ounce cans work great for drums)
- Recycled Plastic Bottles (thicker plastic BOTTLES work best)
- Cardboard Paper Towel Rolls
- Duck Tape (at least 2 big rolls, and 2 small rolls for decorating)
- Scissors
- Balloons (12″ Rounds)
- 1, 14 ounce box of Rice
Drum Directions:
Step 1: Carefully wash your recycled cans and remove the labels. To avoid any cuts, use a spoon and bend down that weird little tab that sticks up after using a can opener. I like to tape some Duck Tape over the bump so there are no accidental finger cuts!
Step 2: Fill your cans with 1 cup of dry rice.
Step 3: Cut the “neck” off of one ballon. With your child holding the metal can with two hands, stretch the balloon and pull it down tightly over the top of the can. The tighter the fit, the better as this will be your drum top.
Step 4: While you hold the balloon down, have your child wrap a piece of Duck Tape around the balloon’s edge to keep it from popping off of the metal can. Once the balloon is secure, your child can wrap the can in fun colored Duck Tape.
Step 5: Once it’s finished, you can start drumming away!
Plastic Bottle Shaker Directions:
Step 1: Wash and dry your plastic bottles.
Step 2: Slowly fill each bottle with 1 cup of dry rice.
Step 3: Secure the cap tightly and wrap it tightly in Duck Tape. (We don’t want the kiddos unscrewing the cap and shaking rice all over the house!)
Step 4: Once the cap is secure, your child can wrap the bottle in fun colored Duck Tape.
Step 5: Start shaking!
Paper Towel Roll Directions:
Step 1: Carefully, wrap the bottom of your paper towel roll in Duck Tape to create a secure base. This will keep the rice from flying everywhere!
Step 2: Slowly fill your paper towel roll with 1 cup of dry rice.
Step 3: Without spilling the rice, wrap the top of your paper towel roll in Duck tape to create a secure top.
Step 4: Once the rice is sealed into the tube, your child can continue wrapping it in fun colored Duck Tape.
Step 5: Once it’s done, have fun!!
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