Are you tired of Winter? Then grab a cup of coffee and read my 10 Reasons To Love Spring. You’ll be envisioning the sun’s delightful rays in no time!
This weekend, we very visited by Spring. She’s a wee bit early – and won’t last much longer – but she stopped by to remind us that the chilly days of Winter are almost over. Here in the North East, Winter can seem to last forever, and sometimes, Spring forgets to come on time.
But that’s what you get where we live — all four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. You get them all and you never really know when one season will end and the next one will begin. Just because it says that the first day of spring is March 20th, doesn’t mean that Mother Nature listens to a personal planner. But that’s what makes all four seasons so lovely. Just when you’re about to tire of the current season, a new one is ushered in — full of beauty and whimsy, and temperatures, colors and smells completely unlike the season before it.
So now that Holtsville Hal and Malverne Mel agree on an early spring, I’m reminded of all of the reasons to love spring. (Yeah, we have our own Groundhogs on Long Island, but they’re not as famous as their Pennsylvania cousin, Punxsutawney Phil.) So sit back with me and let’s dream about longer days, warmer temperatures, and green grass and let’s get ready to say goodbye to it being dark at 4:30 pm, roaring fires, and hot chocolate.
1.) Early spring blooming flowers.
Each Spring, our family starts our annual “I spotted it first” flower game. Our flower beds have a wild messy assortment of muscari and crocus in them all courtesy of squirrels, and we start hunting for the first blooming flower right about now. There’s no prize to be had, except for bragging rights, but we love it all the same. There’s nothing like seeing your first flower bloom after a long winter!
2.) Green grass.
Winter covered landscapes are drop dead gorgeous. They’re peaceful, they’re quiet and they’re pristine. However, green grass is a most beautiful sight to behold. I’m always amazed that the grass survives each winter and I welcome the sight. The only thing better than seeing
3.) Lawnmowers.
The only thing better than seeing green grass is the smell of the lawn being cut for the first time. Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve relished this smell. It’s better than a bouquet of freshly cut flowers. It’s a weird mix of gasoline and earth. It means that the spring blooming flowers have gone past their prime and now it’s warm enough to cut them down.
Ooops. Did I just get a little too excited about that one? As someone who would rather be barefoot all year long, as soon as it hits 60 degrees, my flip flops come out. On a whole, I don’t have many shoes at all. I actually hate shoe shopping. So much so, that I still wear my very dirty, should be retired, four-year-old UGGs — even though they are so destroyed by now that they really belong in the garbage pail.
But when comes to flip flops, I most certainly make up for it. Since I love being barefoot, but it’s not always appropriate (or safe), flip flops are as close as I can get to just letting my feet go fancy-free. I have oodles and oodles of flip flops: plain Jane ones, cute plaid ones, platform ones — even fancy black flip flops. If you can envision it, I have a closet full of them.
5.) Ditching my coat.
I hate coats. Yes, they’re practical. Yes, they’re very necessary where we live. But, I’d rather be without one. Warmer temps mean that I can get out my thinner, less bulky vests and just shove mittens in the pockets. I probably ditch my coat faster than most people, but what can I say? I hate coats.
6.) Longer days.
Remember that date that I mentioned earlier? March 20th. It’s the Spring Equinox! And I am counting down the days. It means more sunlight, warmer temperatures, and Spring is officially here!
7.) Bikes are back.
After staring at dirty, snow covered streets for weeks on end, Spring means the snow has gone away, the streets are clear again, and we can get our bikes out. Last year for my birthday, I got an awesome Electra bike and I love it to pieces. It even has a basket!! I love bike riding around the lakes with our kids and I am just itching for a breezy, easy Spring day to go riding.
8.) Farmer’s Markets.
Yes! Our local farmer’s markets open back up and that means an influx of fresh fruits, veggies, and flowers. And with my new bike, I’m hoping to build up enough stamina to ride to the farmer’s market and back on Saturday mornings. Isn’t that quaint? I have a vision of what I will look like doing this in my head, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be as magazine worthy as I think it is!
9.) Cheep, cheep.
That’s right, folks. Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep! This year, we’re planning on bringing four chickens into our happy home. We’re still working out the details and we have a lot to learn about raising happy healthy chickens, but the kids are incredibly excited about this new family adventure.
10.) Baseball season.
Hahahahahahaha. Oh, my. I crack myself up. If you’re a baseball Mom like me, you know that you are not really excited to freeze your buttcheeks off at baseball practice or during games. Technically, Spring has sprung just in time for your child’s baseball season, but for whatever reason, whenever you need to be out on the field cheering on your beloveds, it gets cold as heck. All of the things I mentioned above simply vanish right around 4:00 pm and Winter laughs its fool head off…watching you freeze for hours…and hours…and hours on end. 😉
So lay it on me. What are YOU most looking forward to this Spring? Does it come on time? Does it come late? Do you even have a Spring?
Thinking of spring,
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