A few months ago, I had a stomachache. A really, really horrible stomachache. I don't remember what I was doing that day, but I definetely remember the stomachache. After a few hours, I started to get a little bit nervous because it really hurt and I just couldn't get any sort of relief.
As a frequent kidney stone maker, I'm used to ignoring pain, but this was different from kidney stones. This felt like my gut was going to bust wide open on the floor. Seriously. In my humble opinion, it hurt just as bad as kidney stones, if not more.
However, I didn't want to worry my husband, so I told him I'd be fine and we went to bed. Well, he went to bed. I stayed up half the night doubled over in pain, and I finally woke my husband up at 5AM to tell him that I needed to go to the hospital.
Fast forward a little bit, past some morphine and a CT scan, and it turns out that I was suffering from an acute attack of Diveritculitis. Luckily for me, I healed after a few weeks on a ton of probiotics, and a liquid diet, followed by a soft foods diet, followed by a still continued nut-free/seed-free diet.
Overall, I'm lucky – but I'm pretty bummed to be off nuts. However, I can still enjoy nut butters as long as they're creamy, which brings us back to National Peanut Butter Lover's Day. Peanut Butter is one of my old time favorite foods, and I'd be seriously disappointed if I had to give that up too. So today, we're celebrating this special day with a collection of Peanutty posts from the past.
(WOW – That was a random post!)
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding
Banana Peanut Butter Dog Cookies
Squash and Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits
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